Sunday, July 8, 2012

Oh god.. i cheated on my boyfriend!!?

We have been dating for almost two years and lately hes been driving me crazy, all i do is work full time and hang out with him so today i told him i had to work a double and ended up calling an old guy friend over (it was a spur of the moment idea) so we had sex and he left but now i feel like ****... because i love my bf but hes in between jobs right now smokes weed everyday and drives me insance because he cant afford to take me out or even rent a movie, any money he doesnt get goes to his drugs... the guy i cheated on him with does drugs to so hes not much better but when we were having sex today he was actually doing all the work and touching me and kissing me the right way and looking at my body and looking into my eyes which i really liked so now im confused.. i love my bf but i think we are drifting apart and i feel bad about cheating on him! ahhhh :(

Leave the guy your with. It's not love anymore, it's just comfortable being with him because you have been... it's almost routine. You'll know the perfect one when you find him.. and this dude isn't it... neither was the guy you slept with.. a little strange is always nice, but never bunk with the friend with benefits. Good luck.

give me a break, u r trying to choose between two guys who smoke weed?? oh brother!! and if u didnt want to cheat on him, well that was ur own fault dumb*ss!!

soooooooo whats the question here


You need to get your priorities right.

Now excuse me, you aint worth another letter.

if you cheated on him you have nobody to blame but yourself

Fess up or just break up with your boyfriend. The guilt of cheating on somebody will tear you apart.
And don't get with the new guy either because he will just use the fact that you cheated on your ex against you.

I think it's time to break up with him. You obviously don't respect him enough to stay.

sucks u didnt make a good choice.
since both guys r like the same ****.
idk what to tell u. u ****** up u needa tell him.
its pretty fuked up if u dont

ummm 4get about both of them and get some1 that is not a lowlife who does drugs

Dont date guys who do drugs. Simple

ummm ok. Sounds like you are attracted to losers and maybe you and your boyfriend should break up.

well done

I'm a little confused on what your question is.
And to quite honest, neither sound right.They both do drugs?And cheating on him doesn't sound responsible either.


You feel bad about cheating on an unmotivated burn out? Are you related to Pamela Anderson?

so what's the big deal, pick a pot head and have a nice day

Sometimes people drift. if you felt a drift you should have taken a break or told him so you could talk it out. You have been dating for two years it's over you conscience will kill you if you don't tell him and if you do you will be way further than drifting apart

Tell him you cheated and don't have sex with him until you get yourself checked for STD's. He needs to protect himself from you. You screwed a drug addict-- no telling what he gave you.

You should break up with him. Just because he is "driving you nuts" gives you no right to cheat on him.

yup your a skeez

yeah your a cheat and a fraud. What do you want us to tell you?


i feel sorry for you but ur a ho

Wow. What a tough place you are in. My brother is an addict and I know that things just get worse. Especially if all he does is smoke weed all day. That's scary and you have to ask yourself if you want to live with that forever. If not then move on.

good luck

What's the question?

I sure hope you are using birth control. Whose baby would it be if you got pregnant? And I guess, does it even matter? They both sound like total losers who don't have the maturity or self-control to stop using drugs.

Who gives a **** about some dumb pothead? And why do you only sleep with crackheads?

i don't know what to tell you sound's like your screwed i say just dump him and the other guy and find someone that doesn't smoke or do drug's.


Honey, what you did is absolute proof that you do NOT love your boyfriend. People do NOT CHEAT on the one they love, no matter what the circumstances.

Tell him, break up with him, and find someone you can care enough about to keep your legs closed for.

Tell your boyfriend its over, if he cant do what u lyk then there is no point in dragging him any further

I don't know.
I hope the best though.
I would tell him, but that could wreck your relationship.
I would not tell him, but that could also wreck your relationship.
Just don't lie.
Or you can tell him when he's high lol.