Sunday, July 8, 2012

14 year old dating a 19 year old?

i'm 14, and this guy likes me, and i like him. he's 19. but he doesn't want me for sex, i'm sure. he's EXTREMELY christian, like "i'm saving myself for marriage" christian. we actually prayed together a few times. he's my friend's brother and i've known that friend for a long time.

is it like EXTREMELY illegal if we date?


I am a 19 year old girl and I like a 14 year old boy. He likes me back, and we have good chemistry. We just connect. I fully understand to stay away from him until he is 18. However I believe that if we are really that connected, nothing will come between us until then. I see nothing wrong with it.

Im 19 and my gf is 14. we connect and i have all consent from her mother. In Ohio if legal guardian consents then the law cannot do anything.We dont do any sexual things because i know her age and i keep myself from doing anything. I will wait 5 years untill that happens

You can date him now!

I'm somewhat distraught by this question. It is only illegal if someone reports him for statutory rape, but I believe that's only the case if you have relations with him. People say age is just a number, and I agree to some extent. Yes, there need to be boundaries for youth and yes, there definitely needs to be boundaries set for behavior between age groups, but age only really becomes "a number" when you're older. 5 years apart at 14 and 19 seem like a big deal now, but my parents are 6 years apart and their in their 50s and 60s, but it doesnt seem to matter.

The choice is really in your hands, but it's probably best to wait until you are 18. If he really likes you, he will understand and he will wait.

Yes, it is illegal if you date. Even if you don't have sex, you are a MINOR. You are a child and he is not. He is legally, in every sense of the word an adult.

He can go to jail or prison if your parents or if anyone EVER reported him with a rumor or a hunch that you two are doing anything.

Even if you two were consenting 100% of the time, he can still go away for a very long time, and could even be deemed a sex offender.

Don't listen to these retards, 2000 years ago, when this Christian thing all came about, being 14 and dating a 19 year old wasn't wrong or illegal, Most states the age of consent is 16 or 17, You just can't be involved in some sort of porn or buy cigarettes til you are 18, But as long as you don't have sex, it isn't illegal, But as long as you don't go telling everyone everything you did, You should be fine doing whatever you please :]

Honey- It doesn't matter if he prays all the time and is a "extreme christian" he's a man, well not even a man if he wants to be with a child, by law you're still a minor and he's an adult, he can get arrested, no matter how grown you think you are, the consq. are serious! And I hope your parents don't approve, if they do, they have serious problems. It's called Statutory Rape, and he can be in jail up to 20 years. Wait until you're 18 or find a guy your age. That's all we need is a child getting pregnant by a man that will not support you in the end.

Take care, and don't be with him!!

Dating him is not illegal. It's when sex becomes involved that statutory rape charges can be brought against the older party. Those charges can be very damaging and have someone listed as a sexual predator even if the sex was consensual.

From what you've said, the relationship would not be illegal. Just remember to know yourself and if you are ever uncomfortable, tell him.

I actually was 15 when i dated my boyfriend then 19.(He was in college and girls would throw themselves at him! so it was kind of hard to deal with that.) At first he would get teased by some of his friends and stuff. We didn't have sexual relationships till we got married. I am now 21 years old and still with the same person. I mean there are some instances where the age gap really doesn't work out and there are times that it does. Age is just a number and the mentality and maturity level also play a part. Good luck and just listen to your heart.