Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I am 16 , and wish to date a 13 almost 14 girl, what do you think?

I am 16 , and wish to date a 13 almost 14 girl, what do you think?
I plan on not having sex with her, until she gets older, or not at all. We are both very responsible, and I do not think that age should be a problem with this type of condition, what does yahoo think? Is she to young for me or do you think I should go with it and take things slow.

hugh hefner is like 90 and he dates 18 yr olds...

First of all, it is law that the youngest age a person can date is half of their age, plus seven. If you are sixteen, half of that would be eight, add seven, and that is fifteen. Legally, you should not date her. However, in my own opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that relationship. If she is almost fourteen, then that is only two years younger then you. I would leave the decision up to her, if she feels she is mature enough to handle a relationship with an older guy, then go for it. Especially if you're as responsible as you say you are and you are not planning on having a sexual relationship. Bottom line, ask the girl out, and good luck. :)

So long as you two are responsible and respect what those around you, your families, have to say about it, lots of luck, and like you said, as far as sex is concerned, until she's 18, just have your older brother buy you a dirty magazine. In some states, a 16 yo male can be prosecuted for statutory rape, and if you're 18 and she isn't at the age of consent, (check your states' law here), you're as good as screwed. Good luck, and good caution.

The fact that you are asking this question would seem to indicate that you think or suspect something might not be quite right. I do not think your motives will matter much in this case.In almost all of the states of the union, you would be guilty of some crime if you date a girl that young with or without engaging in sexual intercourse with her. Plus your admission that you are into younger girls will not help you (every word after that is going to be missed). Hence do your self a favor and steer clear of these minors----they are called jail bait for a reason. If you refuse , you may find out why they are called jail bait.

Don't do it...I know someone who dated a girl that much younger and in that age frame and it was the biggest mistake EVER she was so immature and they fought all the time and you'll reach a point where you want different things, and your view on life will change and she'll be way far behind you....wait until shes older.

your right, age DOESNT matter. but it actually does when the people are in their teenage years. i think that she's too young for you, you can get a girl your age. and if you can't find one then you just wait and see.. what happens in the future. i think that you should just end it. at least be in the same school level as in both in high school, then date.

i definetely think you should try it out, ive liked a few guys before that are that many years older than me, and im the girls age. i mean especially because youre not going to have sex because shes oo young for that. i think if you really like each other, age doesnt matter so i think that you should give it a shot and see if you two really click. i hope everything works out for you and her =]

I think when it comes to dating in highschool its less so the actual age and more so the grade difference, since the grade your in usually depicts the maturity when a senior dates a freshmen i think that's a little strange because they are on such different paths, so i guess no more than a two grade diffence would be fine, anymore seems a little off to me.

You say you don't PLAN on having sex, BUT lyfe is unpredictable. SOOOO YOU (maybe her too) will most likely get horny and want to do it. I guess you both are pretty young... But SHE'S really young, she's barely a teenager, so I'm not sure. But I guess you being 16 isn't all that mature either. So if you two like each other a lot, I guess it's worth a shot. Just treat her with respect and if she says no... It's NO!

I think its rediculous! I'm sorry....but you did ask. Look, WHY does it need to be "girfriend and boyfriend"????? I would strongly suggest, you encourage healthy activities such as interests...horseriding,tennis,bushwalki… etc,etc,and forge your friendships around those WITHOUT branching out into looking for girlfriends. You have all the time in the world!! Why go complicating your young life with trying to grow up faster than is really best for you.Happiness and fulfillment starts with YOU. Stop looking around, trying to fill your happiness with other people to bolster you up. you ask if you should take things slow. Let me suggest young man, you don't even start! IF you choose to do better get ready for a miserable life of teenage parenthood, screaming children, scratching the bottom of the barrel for almost eternity for a few coins to live on, and barely making each week through, and a young wife putting demands on you to fulfil your responsibilities as her own father did, who worked at whatever he could find just to feed their mouths, let alone all the other little extras, only to realise your'e downright miserable, should have listened to wisdom when you had it, and now your looking to see how you can get out of it, which break it or make it, you finally do, only to find, that whatever you earn in the way of income, you are still required to feed and clothe your detached family of wife and several children by now, and as time goes by, you finally meet the woman of your dreams, and wished you had'nt settled for second best in the beginning, and you want to make a home for yourself and your new soul mate, and so you work very hard, only to find after heartbreaking years, your no further closer to having a life of your own in a lovely home with your soul mate, because whatever you earn, however much you work for, your original family of wife and children must recieve a % of what you bring home, and in the meantime, your soul mate, has had it, and leaves you, in search of a bright new beginning for herself, a man without complications in his life and no hassles. So my dear boy, Think about it. Long and hard. and don't try to tell us, we don't know what we're talking about, because we do, for in some way....many of us have "been there, done that......and are still wondering...what happened....and how could they have done it better....when they had the chance."
Forget girls, and focus on helping others, learning, and studying, and a whole host of other things that will help you to develope into a stable young adult, with his head screwed on right!!!

I am around that age and a junior likes me too but i just thought that he is toooooo OLD so maybe you should wait a little while until you are a senior and she is 16 or one of those ages ( I didn't do the math) i would say wait!!!!!!