Saturday, July 7, 2012

If you dating someone how long should you wait till you have sex?

If you dating someone how long should you wait till you have sex? Is it ok to have sex on the first night or is best to hold off for a while? Every guy I go out on a date with are always all over me and are very persistant at keep trying it on. Sometimes it can be hard to resist if he is really good looking and he is turning you on so I was just wondering if it is ok to have sex on first date or should you wait? If you wait how long should you wait for? And what is the best way to avoid the sex...

I personally would wait about 3 months the least.
I feel like if you give it up early, especially on the first date that the guy is most likely with you to get in your pants. How would you know if he likes you for you?

1 it depends on your relationship or how much you're into him. It would be better to consider if you were on Birth Control, if there are condoms available or if you feel that you're not ready, then hold off and don't give any signals that you want to. And make sure to be honest with the guy so he knows what's going on and that it's not a sign you're brushing him off. Good luck! I've been there before.

It depends on what you want. If you want sex and aren't looking to stay in the relationship for a while, have safe sex the first night out. If you're looking for long-term, hold it off until you know he's comfortable. Check out some of these tips on sex. They might help in and out of bed.

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NOT the first date. It depends on how old you are and how serious your relationship is. If you could see yourself being with him for a while (years) then that's a much better time than the first date. after you get to know him well definitely

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whenever you feel its right. no time limit

its up to you