Monday, June 18, 2012

Why do some people who are in dating relationships have sex with eachother when no true love is involved?

Like why do some people who are dating although in love which is attraction, but not true love well anyway why do some have sex when no true love is involved?

It usually takes hindsight to realize a relationship was not "true love". Especially when you are young in the midst of a relationship, you feel intense emotion and are easily convinced that this is love, and lust can cloud your perception greatly. Some may actually believe they have found true love and want to share intimacy while others are all too happy just to get laid knowing full well that there is no long term commitment. Just human nature and different ideals and morals that dictate a persons actions. If you are looking for the best sex dating site, check out this site:

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Best Wishes,

Why would you want to have sex it is disscusting?!?!

To put it simply, sex feels good for a brief time, and for some people, that's enough. LIke a cigarette - use once, throw away.

Now in my opinion, it should be like a really well-written book... you can come back to the same one agains and again, and every experience is enriching and fulfilling, and you may learn something new about it or about yourself each time.

But "really good books" are rare, and some folks just can't wait for them when there's a Harlequin novel or a Twilight book they can get their hands on just as easily.

On what planet is sex not fun?

Love is considering the self interest of another as if it were your own.

So if you are a young fertile woman, for whom sex is likely to produce 20 years of hard work in the form of a child.... is VERY stupid to have sex with someone you know doesn't love you.

On the other hand, let's say kids aren't on the list.

You are biologically or chemically infertile female.
You've got your house, car & career in order and think it would be NICE to have a reasonable competent male stop by twice weekly for mutual orgasms.

Young women tend to put Love (aka commitment) & sex together, because biologically speaking they bear the 'risk' of having to raise children. It's no secret that Single Motherhood is a b*tch.

But Sex & Love are two VERY different things.

One is pleasure, the other is commitment to WORK involved as the probable consequence of that pleasure.

Men LOVE consequentless sex. And the often get it from profoundly silly women in the thrall of some absurd romantic denial. And the word is full of unwed mothers who feel society should pick up the tab for their stupidity.

But hey, if you've had your tubes tied or are past the age of procreation. It is indeed possible to have sexual fun without much entanglement.

In short, while it is a biological dead end. Women, under certain circumstances, can indeed behave like Playboys.

Here's my opinion.

People are hedonistic and dumb.
And that's my opinion on most things.

Anyhow I don't where I got this statistic but according to an experiment 70% of males who were randomly asked on the street by a strange woman to have sex with her agreed.

So there's half the answer.
Most of the male population is too simple-minded to be able to control themselves long enough for love.


Now what about women...?
Well if I was a woman perhaps I'd know.

Because in the same study less than 20% agreed to have sex with a stranger.

So most women might just be giving in.
Or maybe they want to appease their partner so that he'll like them more?

Anyhow that's my answer.
Hedonism and no self control!

Most relationships aren't true love. And the chances of finding someone that you truly love is pretty rare, overall. You may love them, but not truly.

Sex is one thing that can keep a relationship when there is no love. Just the pleasure of it something worth a relationship.

Sex and love are not the same.

We don't need be in love to have sex
We don't need to have sex to love.

As an example.
Rape is in part a form of sex. Its got nothing to do with love,

I love my parents but I dont have sex with them.

...purely for the great sex that each provides in the moment - that has nothing to do with love...

...after consummation each resumes their own life and moves on...

If god had only wanted us to have sex for breeding, he wouldn't have made it so fun.

Maybe cause they think they can prime the pump?