Sunday, June 17, 2012

What are the rules about dating/sex with a college teacher?

I really want to jump my english professor and I'm pretty sure he's into me. Is this something I can pursue? I'm a legal adult, 20, so would there be any kind of problem?

The "rules" vary somewhat, depending on the college or university. Here are a couple of things you might run into:

1) Even though you are of legal age, there is likely a policy in place for faculty at your college which prohibits faculty members from having intimate relationships with students, so your professor could be risking getting fired. Something like that could haunt his career for a long time. The policy might also extend to expelling students who become involved with faculty. I would suggest knowing for sure if such a policy exists before "jumping" into anything.

2) If a policy such as this does exist, your professor might be too concerned about the potential consequences to risk it. A responsible professor might even report a student for "pursuing" him, in order to protect himself from the consequences of such a policy.

Keep in mind that, no matter how attractive you are or how appealing your "pursuit" might be to your professor, he probably has more to lose than you do by entering into a relationship like this. So don't take it personally if he says no.

read this

adult freind finders

If you want to get him fired........