Monday, June 18, 2012

Is it good or bad to be having sex after dating someone for Four and a half months?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for only four and half months and we are starting to have sex. I am wondering if that is a good or bad thing.

If you are married to him it is good if you are not married it is bad. It take less than 1 minute to get married. I suggest that if you want to raise children with him right now and he has the financial means to provide marry him and continue else stop what you are doing and dump him.

If you're really young, like high school status, it's a little early. If you're an of age adult, you can do whatever you want, reasonably.

If you're comfortable with it, then it's fine. Providing you are of age, legally. And you're being responsible with pregnancy and STDs.

Are you trolling or something? You made the poor guy wait to long. Bad girl. =]

Having sex is not a bad thing if you also want to do it.

I think it depends on how well you know the person i knew my boyfriend for 2 years before we got together and when we finally started dating we had sex after a week so in my opinion no its not bad at all

If you're being mature and responsible than no there's nothing wrong with that.