Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is it wrong for me to date my niece?

The answer i know for society is yes, but my niece is one year older than me. And she is my half-niece, her dad is my mother's son, so basically her dad is my half brother, because we have different fathers. I'm really attracted to her and it's not like I plan to have sex with her or anything. I just am interested to know what you think about this, I believe she feels the same way as me, She is 17 i am sixteen and i am just at this point really confused. I need an answer.

No, incest is cool!

maybe just too young

I think its by far the nastiest sh*t ever!!! Don't be sick!!

Im sorry, but the answer is no.
Your family will frown upon this and dating family(No matter how far down the gene pool is wrong)
Religious people also see it as a sin.
And its a well known fact that if you had kids they would be inbred.

if you do not plan to have sex (or get physical), call it hanging out. bring along a third person just to be sure.

So, you aren't planning to have sex with her and you're 17? . . Who do you think believes that? . . What kind of a sick pervert dates a family member of any kind? . . Are you from Alabama? . . So if you had a child with her, your brother would be the childs uncle and grandfather . . Get away from her . .

She's not really your niece do Id say it's okay. If you were blood related it would be sick but you not propbly related so it's fine

don't do it, you cant go anywhere with it anyway, you are probably too closely related to have a child without deformities anyway. (being to closely related means the genes are to similar to create a proper child)

I'd have to stay no on this one. Dating family is looked down upon by just about everyone. I would not date her jut to be on the safe side. You can still hang out a lot ad do things that couples would normally do, (except for the making out and sex part).

even Roosevelt married his cousin :) really