Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm 14 and he's 18, is it bad?

Okay.Well I have been dating this guy for a little more than 6 months now, he is 18 and I am 14.Everybody at school knows(yes, that includes teachers).My youth minister also knows and approves very much, he thinks he is a very good guy and we are great together.My mom is also aware.Everybody thinks we are a perfectt couple.I love this boy with everything I got.(did i say true love? dont get on me about it)So I just wanted some opions on what yall thought.Its not going to change anything...but some say age is a number and some say its "sickk!". But if you knew him i'm pretty sure you would understand.He used to be a really bad kid, into really bad stuff.But when i invited him to church, he got baptised and saved[we got baptised on the same day] He is really an amazing guy, you would understand if you knew him.Oh yeah, and we've talked about it and were NOT HAVING SEX unless we get married...
so yeah...leave your opinon and dont be rudee!

no one can tell you how you feel
nor cant they justify it

if he makes you happy, I wish for the best
who cares about what some stupid people on yahoo! answers think?
as long as you don't see a problem, that's all that matters

good luck to you guys! :D <3

It's all about the maturity levels of both of you. You have to be mature enough to be able to handle someone four years older than you are when you're so young. At the same token, he has to understand that you're four years younger than him and understand where you are in life. Most importantly, stay focused on school. Both of you!

sounds bad at first, but if it works out it makes for a great romance story. My parents differ in age by about 4 years as well, but since they got together in their 30's, its not frowned upon. Just remember that in the end, if it all works out age will not be a factor.

Its not sick, just not right he is way to old for you (sorry) but if you makes you happy and your mother is ok with this. what can anyone say, all i know is if you where my daughter I wouldnt be ok with it. I think you are young(you asked what we thought) to young to be with an adult. you should be with someone more you speed.

look at older married couples
how big is the age difference between some of them
four years is nothing, it just seems huge in comparison because four years is like a little more than 30% of your current lifetime
just make sure he the right one, cuz if it ain't gonna work anyway what does age matter

I dont really think its bad just as long as your relationship isn't really getting "Physical" or anything.

and just as long as you and him have a mutual agreement to what you want your relationship to be ( older guys sometime want to be more serious , and younger girls dont always want to be exclusive , or the other way around lol).

4 years actually is not that bad..IF your older though!!!!

My friend has parents that are seven years apart, so I suggest no for now while he still is a young adult. When you grow to be 20, this will be okay, but now u need guys more ur age, and for now he needs girls his age, until your old enough to handle the differences in school and etc.

i would say if your mom and dad approve then it is ok as long as there is no sex involved like you say. bc it is against the law for an 18 yr old to be sexually active witha minor in most states. But just please wait till you are married, yes i would approve as long as (i stated above)

I think its ur option i was 14 and he was 18 and we've been together 7 years and getting married in 3 months I dont think its sick. Ur right age is just a number if you fit and your both happy than thats what matters the most so i wouldnt care who it ticks off.

Yes that is very very bad for him. Even if you aren't engaging in any sexual acts, because society is so limited in their thinking the assumption is still there. He could get locked up for statutory rape so try dating when you're 18 and he is 22.

You are so young and yet you want to grow up too fast. As for the 18 year old, he better wait until you are 18 or else he will be committing a crime even if you agree on the sex part. If he is willing to wait, then, perhaps it really is love. If not, he is just a perv

lol i am actually in the
same kind of situation.
I say that the age does NOT
matter as long as he is a good
guy and he sounds like he is.
think about it, 30 and 34 is not
that big of an age diff. so if u end
up being with this guy for a while, there
should be no problem.

If everyone you know, knows about it and approves why are you seeking the opinion of a bunch of strangers? Something in you must be telling you it's at least slightly wrong. But if that's not the truth.. at least you have the law there to tell you all about that.

o.k.... people say it's bad.. but it all depends on the guy and "you".

If you look at most couples now, husbands and wives... they are about even 10-14 years age diffrence.. nothing wrong with it.. but at least let your body grow and hopefully get married before doing anything dumb...


Jordan Kurlockavich

i think its perfectly normal. you are a good age if you were any younger i would say no but i think that is fine. if you get pregent or start to have sex with him i would break up with him because that isnt good you are to young for that.

what ever, some dumbass people are saying it's illegal, look it up dumbasses, its only if they have sex, cuz then its considered rape, so whatever, you know, im 18 and i think this 15 year old is hot, but i would wanna *uck her, but i dont wanna go to jail

Well I think its perfectly fine...I'm almost 15 and the guy I like will be turning 18 this year, if you really think about it, age is just a number. I think that since things have been going fine with you NOW, things will be okay later on. Why sweat it out?

four years difference in age is huge and this point in your life, will even seem wider over the next three or four years, but after that it seems to narrow a bit, I know you said your mother knows, Make sure you dad knows also,

It is bad because somebody there won't like it and he is going to get in trouble your mom is crazy i don't care how sweet he may be that is a man and you are a child

I think its only bad if its a bad relationship, and in your case it seems to be a good one.
At such a young age it is a big gap but thats about the max i would go for.


Well yup age wouldn't matter I would say but regardless it's still considered sexual harassment in the eyes of the law and they do care about age. So if people's opinions aren't going to change anything why ask the question.

the difference between 14 and 18 is not only BAD...

it's illegal. The developmental difference between 14 and 18 is enormous

I think it's just fine. If you are comfortable with him and he is comfortable with you, that is all that matters. I'm happy that you found someone who is just right for you! He sounds like a really great guy!

I think it might be good to cool it off. You're very young, too young for a serious relationship. However, as long as you don't get in too deep and have your family to keep you grounded, you should be fine.

If you both care about each other and want to be together than go for it! It's not bad and don't let anyone tell you it's sick, because it's not.

As long as you two are not having sex or engaging in any intimate acts it's fine. You also should not be going places by yourself. He should only be at church events with you or at your house with your family there.

no problem!!!

consent laws say you can't have sex until your 16...and you aren't having sex.

I'm proud of you for waiting!!!!
good luck. don't let people get you down. if he is good to you...i approve :)

theres nothign wrong with that.. and whoever says there is, dont listen to them.. age is just a number. what matters is the maturity of the couple and how well they understand one another

yes. only for the fact that it's legal. other than that it wouldn't be such a big deal. but he could get in alot of trouble for dating you.

In Texas...we call that statutory rape...and you're still a minor in the eyes of the law. He's legally an adult. either be real cool...or get ready for trouble.