Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is it good to meet people interested in sex by dating websites which mention details as given below?

21 year female looking for male
27 male looking for female
lucy is online now, create profile for free video chat
adam is online now, create a profile for free video chat
Is this video chat safe? Are these people really looking for sex and are general people or are they commercial sex workers?

they are commercial sex workers by the sound of it and may need credit / debit card info for verification of age and may want you to pay 2 watch its never a good idea to meat some one on line for sex but if you really want to you can join such sites as **** book and shag book and meat people that way

hope this helps x

hey..dont go this way. It seems good on heat but it may spoil your life.. AIDS may previlege in these type of intercourse, Such chats may cause transimitting viruses.. even u pay money they nevere respond at all. so waste of money, ur health and your computer too spoil due to this .. so beware it.k

NO, I would suggest you do not go to such websites because anyone can upload any information on Internet, an we are not sure whether it is correct or not.

Even if they are correct, then also why to look for sex partner online??

Security is the major concern you should have before you attend such websites.