Thursday, June 21, 2012

Im 14. i think im pregntant. HELP.!?! :(?

ok. so its been about three days since me and my boyfriend had sex.
i knew him for about a year now and we have been dating for about 4 weeks.
. hes 18. and im about to be 15 in a few weeks. & its too late for me to take the "morning after pill".. my stomach has been hurting since the dayy we had sex. idk if im prego or not.! im so scared cuz i should be having my period anytime now. and im afriad to tell my mom.

i totally HATE myself for not being more carefull.

and im afriad my mom wont let me see my boyfriend anymore.

cuz i told her he was 17.!! :(
uh oh..

cuz i really NEED him. especially now...
someone plz help me..... :(

sweety take a deep breath and relax. its def to early to know if ur prego. but typically a woman ovulates approx. 2 weeks after the first day of their last period. so if ur expecting a period anyday chances are u were not ovulating at the time u had sex. but if u are serious enough with this young man and u plan on continuing a relationship with there are a few things u should consider..... first and foremost...get protected! if he is having unprotected sex with u then theres a chance he has had it with others... u are at high risk for sexually transmitted deseases .... secondly u have to be ready for all repurcutions this relationship has.... he can be arrested for having sex with a minor... stds.... and pregnancy. please please please be safe and think this through...... even though a boys attention feels good and sex with them may make u feel like they care u have to relize life is about so much more.... if ur not ready to have adult responsibilities u should not be making adult decisions....... good luck sweety.....i hope all works out for u

Do not freak out about it. If you scare yourself into thinking you're pregnant, you will show signs of being pregnant even if you aren't. Take a deep breath and wait for your period to come. Don't have a panic attack if it's late; you're under a lot of stress right now and stress causes your period to not come or be late.

If it turns out you are pregnant, my best advice is to talk to your mother and your boyfriend about it. It is very scary, but if your mom loves you she will be supportive of whatever decision you make.

Well if you had sex with out protection then there is a 99% Chance you are. And if you did use protection it could just mean you have butter fly in your stomach because you are scared. I Was scared also because me and my bf was playing around(if you know what i mean) also. Take your bf to plant parent hood and take a pregnancy test. when you go there they wont tell your parents anything. if you dont know were a plant parent hood is you can just buy a pregnancy test. But if you are pregntant. try to be brave to tell your mom, in a easy way... and i will pray for you

First calm down and relex for a couple of days. Wait and see if your period comes.
If it doesnt, tell a friend you can trust and get a preganancy test.
If this comes up positive then you should tell your mum and then decide what youre going to do.

However, if your stomache has been hurting for a few days then this could be pms, and you probably wont be pregnant.

First of all, if he's 18 in the first place he has no business having sex with you. Secondly, you should be taking a pregnancy test or asking a doctor, not yahoo answers. If you are pregnant, then you're going to have to tell your mom at some point, and after that whether she lets you see your boyfriend or not is not up to her. The state will intervene, and he'll possibly go to court for sex with a minor, and he'll have to pay child support anyway.

Get to a doctor ASAP.

Well, i have a safety net of a bunch of friends and a great older sister who would buy me a test no questions asked. If not, then buy one yourself. If you are the honest type, you should tell your parents as soon as possible. They will be able to help you the most. If not, then get a test and make sure that its not a false alarm. If you really are pregnant, then you should tell your parents and your boyfriend because its their responsibility too.
Abortion is an option, but i myself am strongly against it. Adoption is much cleaner of an option. Let me know how you end up.

The fact that your stomach has been hurting since the day you had sex doesn't really matter. You should wait like a week and half until you can take a test and then see you are or not. Don't tell your mom anything unless you know its 100% true. Just talk to your boy friend about what you think is happening. Did you use a condom? If this is just a false alarm, you should go on the pill and use a condom everytime!!
Good luck!!!

You wouldn't get stomach pains the day you have sex. It takes weeks to be symptomatic. Three days ago isn't time enough to take a test either. You need to wait and see at this point. There is nothing more you can do. Use protection. Why would you have sex with someone you have been dating for 4 weeks?? Have some standards.

Oh goodness. People are so harsh.

Well the thing is, if you ARE pregnant your boyfriend is going to jail. I am a cop and that is the law. You neeeed to tell your mom sweetie. And i doubt your pregnent because you haven't started your period yet so the sperm isn't fully developed. You need to take a birth control test and tell your mother. You should not be having sex at the age of 14, that is HIGHLY illegal.

okay first you need to calm down. okay? for one your 14. 14yr olds should NOT be having sex. im a senior in high school and im still a virgin. theres no shame in it.

2. did you use a condom?

3. take a preg test.

4. tell your mom or some one you trust.

5. if your having sex you should go get tested for STD's or AIDs. kay?

so take a chill. your stomach migt be upset because your so worryed about this. calm down and do some thing that takes your mind off of it.

hope this helped.

Stress can cause stomach pain and delayed periods, so relax, take a bath, read a good book, and just see if your period starts. Sometimes ever just taking the pregnancy test and seeing a negative result can help. I doubt that in three days you would have the signs of pregnancy most likely its all in your head.