Friday, June 22, 2012

Should i have sex on the first date?

he says that i can give him oral and he'll do the same but i hardly know him. and he said that if we go out he wants me to give him oral but he says he still gonna talk to me and i could be his future girlfriend but i know its most likely a load of bullshit . what do you think?

oral on first date? i'm guessing that this first "date" will be at a clinic to get checked for std's prior to getting down to business, and i correct?

When a guy tells you this oral bull ---- right away, that is all he is thinking about. He wants to see how far he can go with you. Don't do it. You will be labeled as a whore, you don't want a reputation. He must do this to all the girls(how many has he had sex with?) Becareful you don't know what he has, he may give you any kind of diesese. I think he is a jerk for thinking that you would do this, especially when you don't know him that well. He is just trying to talk you into things just to become his girlfriend. You can do way better.


when you have sex you could get pregnant and then he might break up with you and then What the hell? you say to yourself. he's just using you so you could have sex with him he's just a pervert. if you do believe him then your an idiot no offense though
why do you even date him in the first place that guy is PERVERT and he's gonna ruin your life.
tell him that and tell him that hes full of bullshit and tell him to just pick a hooker up from the streets

Sex on the first date I don't think so. This sounds like a guy who gets what he wants and leaves. I would wait a while and find out if he really likes you because if he doesn't like you then you gave him oral for nothing and your gona feel really bad about yourself. Me I would wait and see what happens. Try to get around secretly to see if he likes you for real then you can do what you want. :)

Well, I think first you need to ask yourself if you want to be a whore?

That may sound blunt, cold and insensitive, but it's the truth. Girls who don't value themselves and their bodies, nor understand the true purpose of intimacy often make this mistake. And it's sad because, although their lack of self-esteem or understanding may very well be a result of poor parenting or education, their decision to behave sexually "easy" from that point on, can have detrimental effects on their physical and emotional health for years to come..and would very likely perpetuate the cycle of low-self esteem.

that's such a special Moment why do that with someone who hasn't even made a commitment 2 you & the key is that u know that it's a load of dodo!U don't even know him! Be smart think about how u feel about yourself, don't b used!!! LOVE YOURSELF! Why would u want to give oral sex 2 a person u really don't know.why don't u feel better about yourself? That's a very special act.and for him 2 say u could b his future girlfriend like that some special thing 2 b.think & listen 2 the inner voice that's telling u that this isn't right.DON'T DO IT!

I think you should wait till you know him better, or he could just think you're just there to be used for sex.
I could be wrong though. If you really want to, go for it, I guess. But it's a good idea to wait, to get to know what sort of a boyfriend he would be, his sexual history, does he have STDs and so on.
It also seems to be that you'll only be a gf to him if you give him oral.
Do this. Tell him you want to wait to do anything sexual. If he starts making fun of you or gets angry, then move on. He's not worth it. If he's respectful, that's good.
I think you already know he's not worth it...

This guy sounds like a pervert and it seems like all he wants from you is sexual pleasure. Don't do it. You could definitely find someone better than that. Don't waste your time on this jerk if you want a real relationship with a guy formed around love instead of sex. But I mean, if you want a relationship for sex, then I guess all I have to say is "whatever floats your boat." Best of luck to you.

girl i'm sorry but are you that dumb? you shouldn't do ANYTHING AT ALL on the first date. not even kissing in my opinion. you need to get to know someone and if they are asking you for oral than they are letting their hormones get to them. they only want one thing. if he's asking you for oral and wants oral from you it's not a real relationship. he doesn't care about you, he wants sex. you should NOT HAVE SEX BEFORE YOU ARE MARRIED.. and you should know this guy is only interested in one thing. you need to make the right decision. think of god and think of jesus christ. you'll know the right answer. but im telling you guys are jerks in this world anymore. in the 50's guys hardly even looked at girls bodies. they looked at their faces and cared about how you looked and your personality. then it all went down hill where guys only are interested in your body and ******* you. come on guys... ******* assholes.

DONT DO IT! You will regret it, i promise!
If he really wants to be with you he will carry on a healthy relationship and you can have sex once you get to know each other and you are ready. Don't do this with a guy you hardly know, he most likely is only using you for sex an dif he's not he will prove himself.

"HELL NO"!!!!!! if you do that your life may be changed because he will probably tell all his friends and how easy you was an ppl will think of you different.An guys will try to f***k you cause of how easy it was to get it from and girls will gossip.That's also so not classy.and he also might try to get it from you an dump you.just wait awhile he has to earn it.get to know him better see what he does if you don't give it up.That's all he really want from you an he could have anything.SO PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

HA im in the same situation pretty much but my boi said lets just ****
& ill ask you out??
load of bullshit from his mouth
& your mans also.
Don't give a guy what he wants endless you really want to other wise show him that you do what you want when you want.
& show him he has to work for you to do stuff to him
don't listen to guys when they say that **** there stupid
& horny lil boys