Saturday, June 23, 2012

As a Christian, we are taught not to have premarital sex, so what are we supposed to do?

If you are unmarried, you are not supposed to have sex according to the bible. I just dont know what we are supposed to do. I mean, if we have a boyfriend/girlfriend and have been dating awhile, are we just supposed to hold hands forever? If I told a guy I wasnt doing anything until i get married, wouldnt he think I was trying to get him to marry me?How long is a guy gonna go without this and if he doesnt do it with you , wont he just cheat on you? This is a serious question so anyone on here that has nothing better to do than make stupid jokes, please take it somewhere else!

Didn't you just answer your own question?...If you have to wait till your married then you're supposed to wait till your married. Where is the confusion at again?

I think the most important thing is to choose a guy who has the same beliefs and moral values as you do. If you both believe in not having premarital sex, then it shouldn't be a problem. He'll want to wait until marriage as well, and for the same reasons.

However, if you choose a guy without the same values, you're going to have a problem. He'll see no reason to wait and will likely pressure you. Then you have to decide between the the guy (who may or may not stick around) and your faith/values. You need to decide which is more important to you.

Relationships are about a lot more than sex. So if we have to wait until we are married, I guess it leaves more time for you to get to know the other person better. If you tell a guy you can't do anything until you are married, and then he leaves you, he was probably only after some *** in the first place. If you tell someone you're waiting until you are married, maybe they'll take it as you are Christian and you have values. They won't necessarily think you want to marry them.

well, in my opinion, i think we should save our selves until we're married... in church we were always taught to keep our "present" until we're with the one who we truly love, and the one who truly loves us. But if you wanted to or something... having sex before you're married is just another sin in God's eye. It would have the same effect as say you shot somebody. No sin is worse that another. But i think that you should save yourself until your are married so you can share that special experience with the one you love.

I am i christian and proud of it!

The true purpose of courtship/dating is to find a suitor for marriage. To date under any other pretense will reveal quickly when it is for passing time, for sex alone, etc. If you have been dating someone for a while (Define a while) and they leave you or cheat on you because you won't have sex with them, thank them for showing their true intentions. No person on earth with disagree this is a very challenging rule to live with!

The answer lies in your statement...if you're dating and young then neither of you would have the intentions of getting married. It's best not to date then. It's also best to only date someone who is spiritual and respects God's laws as the Bible says to "marry in the Lord" only. Dating should lead to marriage, so state your objective right away.

One should first work on their spirituality and pleasing God rather than someone else's desires or their own. God never leaves one in want. Serve Him and He will help you. - Psalms 83:18