Friday, June 15, 2012

How do i explain i have bacterial vaginosis too my bf?

i have to go on antibiotics for BV, and i know my bf will ask why im on antibiotics, so whats a good way to explain this without freaking him out and making him think i have some sort of STD?? .. its kinda awkward b/c were fairly new at dating and we havent really discussed things like this yet..

bv btw is pretty much a bacterial imbalance i belive? caused but new sex partners or something im not really sure and theres really no symptoms for me so he wouldnt just notice i have this

First and foremost, BV is not an STD. You are right, it's a bacterial imbalance of the female reproductive tract.

Unfortunately, the antibiotics used to treat BV can sometimes be used to treat certain types of STDs. However, unless he is up on the spectrum of activity of various antibiotics this shouldn't be an issue.

How you handle your boyfriend is kind of up to you. If you feel comfortable with it you can give him the direct scoop, otherwise you could just tell him that it's none of his business. Since BV is not an STD he really isn't in a "need to know" situation.