Monday, June 25, 2012

Does a female look "easy" if she has sex with her date on the first date?

Is it ok for the male in this situation, he doesn't look "easy" he's just plain "lucky". Is there a double standare here?

Yes of course there is a double standard and always has been.
Men see it as being alucky jack the lad.
But if a woman puts out so to speak on the first date she is easy - how many other guys has she put out to?
They like to think the woman they have chosen has a bit of class about her.
And actually so she should have. First date? You barely know the guy and probably cant even remember his surname!
Why would you want to sell yourself short like that?
Isnt it better to wait, see if it is going to work? It might be over in a week.
I know its thought of as laughable - but thats a gift of part of you that you are giving away. Its saying something.
It becomes nothing if you are willing to give it away for the price of a dinner out somewhere and never to see the guy again maybe.
Always better to wait. Self respect will garner respect given to you.

It's not normal!


How would anyone else know if you had sex on the first date - unless one of you tells? (or unless you like having sex in public, but thats another story :-)

so, if you're having sex, make sure its with mature, sensible people who are not going to 'kiss and tell'

Get over it.
Yes shes a slut

it depends on the situation really, she will looke easy if she didnt know the guy too long before the date, the guy can come off lookin a bit easy too, in my eyes anyway.

Yes, it makes the female look very easy she doesnt even know him that well yet and had just hopped into bed with him.
You should get to know each other better before sleeping with each other but hardly anyone follows them rules nowadays

Yeah, she may look cheap and he is lucky.

No, just desperate.

yes double standards BTW tell your sister thanks for the other night .

There probably is a double standard. If as a woman you want a one night stand then go for it and have a great time. But if you are looking for something more meaningful then find out more about your man before jumping into the sack with him. Men will often jump into the sack with anyone taking whatever seems to be on offer. Only later might they start thinking about having meaningful relationships. But I think that men should be a bit more careful about hurting women by taking advantage of them and then dumping them. I would not view a woman as "easy" if she jumped into bed quickly with me. I would see her as someone who enjoyed sex and got a lot out of it. I would see it as a good thing. But many men are not like me. Many men would see such women as "easy" and perhaps have less respect for them. So be careful. Think about what you want and make sure that you get all of what you want--the good sex and all of the meaningful stuff too!

my opinion is no i think the whole idea of sluts or slags is stupid a women should have complete sexual freedom unless in another relationship

it doesnt make you look easy it just means you are! i for one never had a relationship with a girl that i slept with on the first night. and no its not fair but then again perhaps girls should not want the same from guys that have unprotected sex either

Yes, and the second too...

Yes she does and yes, there are double standards in everything to do with male/female relationships that are left over from pre 2nd world war days. With STD's and HIV/AIDS on the increase to me it makes sense to be on the safe side and get to know a person, his background, where he comes from etc. before having sex.

There has always been double standards as far as that goes. The male does that and is a "stud" the female does and, at best, the term used is "easy".

Yes, she does and yes it is.


It's always the way im afraid!! A bloke is branded a stud if he does it and a woman is branded a slut! I suppose it's due to the way men and woman look at things differently!

no you should always (for a girl) coz she cotrnols it do it on the third otherswise you look to easy or too frigid,

Sex on the First date is only a Prostitutes prerogative. That applies to both sexes.

To me No its no different to a bloke.

Yes unfortunately women do look easy if they have sex on the first date. This is the 21st century and we still have old fashioned attitudes like that. But if you look at it another way, it is best to get to know someone first before you have sex with them. If you just want to satisfy a need then why not have sex on the first night?

it really depends how long shes known her doesnt matter if they met on line or at a social gathering

Both the female and the male look "easy", which is fine for both if they're OK with appearing that way. If either a male or a female wants to appear a little more discriminating then it's OK to consider waiting a while. Another way to look at it might be - is it OK for a male to look "easy" but not a female? I think in that case society does often apply a double standard.

Either way (whether a woman or man) it looks bad but yes it is double standards as when guys do this they just regard it as cool and that it means the bloke most be very attractive etc as the woman couldn't resist him whereas a woman they just say she must be an easy catch/desperate.


that nasty. and that gives him the idea that your a slut..

by if youre fine with that..


There have always been double standards operating and always will be. There is a very good reason for it too. The male of the species is programmed to spread his seed and impregnate as many females as possible, hence his propensity to want to have sex with pretty much any female he meets. Women on the other hand are programmed to nurture children and seek good father material to protect them. Women are going against nature by being promiscuous and by sleeping with a lot of men, particularly on the first date, or having one night stands. Feminism has created the belief that young women seem to have that they should behave sexually as men do. It has done no favours.

What matters is if the sex is good enough to lead beyond first night..
