Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sex at 14?...?

well im 14 and my best friends 14 also. shes been dating a guy for 4 months whos also her age and they've had sex over 10 times. shes my best friend and wen i try telling her its not right she says im overreacting. Is it right?


damn that is messed up and illegal. 14 yr old having sex with a 21 yr old. you friend has to be troubled or just plain stupid to even think about doing something like this

she's way too young, and obviously too immature to have sex. she'll figure it out when she's pregnant in 2 years.

14? It seems way too young for a girl to be doing that.
It's her own risk of getting pregant.

no its not right...but it is her choice..have you tried telling her about all the STDs and pregnancies that because of sex..and having a ocndom doesn't guaruntee that she wont get pregnant or get an STD..tell her that your acting this way because shes your friend and you want the best for her

No, it's not right. And for three reasons:
(1) 14 is way too young to be sexually active, and
(2) your friend is not married to her boyfriend, and
(3) your friend is below 18 and since the guy is 21, this is illegal.

iid say that yeahh shes old enoughh but th age gap between the two iis just gross.

hes full taking advantage of her and iits ILLEGAL.

14 is the new 21! Messed up but i was only 15

no its not right for her to tell u ur overreacting about this. shes young and may feel like its the right thing to do and thats shes ready but when she gets to be older she will realize its not right and she was way too young. also, ask her how she would feel if this was HER daughter one day and she was in the same situation as her. and your her friend and she needs to take advice from you. and at age 14 your body is not fully developed and can lead to other problems with her female organs. just try and talk to her about it seriously, and if it doesnt work, leave her alone and one day when she realizes she will come to you and let you know. hope i helped

No but she will never listen to you !!

OMG no! If she won't listen I think you should tell her parents. There are serious risks like her getting pregnant. That would be really scary. She is way to young!

No, it's not a good thing at her age. Way too young. Sex makes things so much more complicated. I'm glad you are looking out for your friend (and yourself too). You (and she should have) wait until you are older and are able to process everything that comes along with sex. There's so much more to life.

America is in a major witch hunt regarding underage sex. Your friends boy friend could be branded as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
She could end up being a child mother.
Maybe discuss this with your mom .

just don't say "I told you so" when she gets pregnant.

No, it's not right, but there isn't much you can do. Just keep encouraging her.

no your friend shouldn't be having sex because as u get older your body gets all saggy and all old cuz of the all the active movement and you can tell shez having a lot of friend your friend should listen to you but just dont do what everyone else is doing so i think when you decide to have sex i hope you think long and think good. but just leave your friend alone if she doesn't want to listen then when her body gets all saggy then you will just be like i told you so or you can have an adult talk to her.

No! It's wrong and they shouldn't do that so young.

Well shes dumb....4 nothing...ive seen teens go out for longer than that...and yea thats pretty dumb....

I think 14 is too young. You are doing the right thing by trying to talk sense into her.

no its not right but let me tell you it feels GOOD icant blame her for not wanting to stop i started at 10 with aguy who was 12.

answer mi questions and tell all your guy friends with dating experience plz and thx

show her all the dangers of sex... getting pregnant, stds aids, hpv and other searious things... tell her this is really worrying you tell her to listen to you and that you are searious and that your just trying to be her best friend...

good luck

im 14, i would do the same if i liked someone.
i dont really care cuz im a teen and i just want to have fun before i have to be serious and have a job or anything.
you just need to let go and have fun!!!

No, you are not overreacting. I would say that you are very smart. Does the name Jamie Spears ring a bell. I had my first child when I was 25 and that was scary enough. I couldn't imagine having that responsibility as a teenager. I thoroughly enjoyed every seconds of my high school and college years. Sex is a serious matter and I think some people just have the wrong idea about it. There was a article on the front page of Yahoo that says that 1 out of every 4 teenage girl in America has or has had a STD. Here's the link print it out for :
adult frindfinder
That's scary. There is so much more than life to having sex with inexperienced boys. Maybe she has low self esteem or something or she just want to be liked. Be a friend to her and let her know that the choices she makes today will definitely affect her in the future.

no its not right at all. She is just a baby and doesnt understand whats shes doing to her self.

honey you are NOT overreacting. she should not be doing that at her age, she could do something that she really regrets if she isnt careful. if this "accident" does happen and she gets pregant, her 14 year old boyfriend of 4 months is NOT going to stick by her side. i can promise you that. you need to help her stop, tell her parents, tell the counselor, anything ! to help your friend. even though she says she doesnt, she needs you more than ever.

best of luck


no shes a slut

You are right. Wait until you're at least MATURE to have sex. You 14 year olds don't even know the consequences and stupidness in having sex so young. She'll regret it later, let her do what she wants, and you do what you want. At least you have morals and values, she doesn't.

No Way!
I'm 14 and I think that sex is totally wrong. It should be saved untill you are married for that special someone. She is being an idiot and she could get pregnant. I think she is way too young!

everyone is going to have their own her eyes its right because they must be in love. but from your point of view it isnt because of age. i dont think you are overreacting, you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. just dont let her get you into doing stuff like that too.

it's ok, I had sex at age 12.. just use protection!