Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is dating a guy for a week then having sex with him to early?

I've been dating this wonderful guy for about a week now do you think that it would be to early to have sex?

I think that is too early. You should be connected more emotionally first. A week is just too short. But the ultimate decision is up to you.

Well I would say yes. The reason for this is because if you want this to become a solid relationship then you want to make a deep connection with him before having sex. Unfortunately men tend to disconnect from the relationship once they get sex. If this is a person that you are only feeling for sex then I say go for it girl and take for what it is "casual sex". But if this is someone who you want around for longer than a week, then keep it interesting. Have him fall for you for who you are and not for how good you are in bed. If he really likes you I am sure waiting a couple of months to get to know you more before sex will not kill him, but will only make it special once you guys get intimate.