Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Parent of 17 year old daughter needs advice.?

My daughter is 17 years old and is dating a very nice 23 year old guy. I know that they have not had sex and he treats her very well. I know I am very lenient about even letting her date him but she is very ingrateful, disrespectful, wants to spend all her waking seconds with him and mopes around all day on the rare days she does not see him. Then she throws it in my face "Didn't you want to spend all your time with Melvin (my husband) before you got married?" She has a 11 oclock curfew during the summer and has trouble meeting that curfew at times. Am I wrong to let her see him and have so much freedom? Is the curfew too late/too early? Any advice?

She obviously needs more responsibility in her life. She needs bills to pay or a job to go to!

you are doing the right thing, I dated guys way too old for me and iy corrupted me.

Sounds to me as if your daughter is 17 and "in love". Just continue to set limits and worry. Eventually you will start to increase in intelligence in her eyes (when she gets a little more experience). She may be chafing at having rules "at her age", but remember--you're Mom, she's not.

I think you are doing an excellent job. It is your job to take care of your child, which is what she is. You seem to be reasonable and rational in your decision making processes and your daughter has ample freedom and access to her older boyfriend. Her disrespect and ingratitude is unacceptable - she has a thoughtful and caring Mom. Irrespective of the age difference, it is unhealthy for a girl to focus all her energy and attention on one person - what are her other interest and where are her other friends? When I was a child, my Mom would never have let me go out with an older man or adult, so your daughter is very lucky - tell her to count her blessings.

you have to remember it is not only your daughter he knows the curfew also if they both want to disrespect you then it is time to lay down the line.clingyness is not good and somthing needs to be done about it now. most of the time it is b/c the person is trying to repalce someting in their life that it lacks. maybe love from a fauther a rape anything mental and tramatizing can cause it. if not that she learned it from you. your daught and this older boyfriend which at that age i was not aloud to date!!! need to sit both down and say this is it she is not in at this time and you two don't stick to it she is ground from you and everone else for so long that means no phone no comeing over and she is not leaving this house if i have to get a babysitter!!!!

well first off if u try to stop her she from seeing him she will go behind your back and see him anyway she can . and when she turns 18 she will most likely move out of ur place and move in with the guy . if u let them see each other they will not do it bebind your back . and u will always have your daughter around . now 17 is old enough to be out till midnight .one hour more is not that much of a big deal . if they are going to do anything together as for sex it will be done before 11pm . try to work with ur daughter . u give she gives and mother daughter will get along together . just think when she gets older maybe the 2 of them married there is only 6years between them . u also said that u like him and he treats her good . u break them up she could get someone that will hurt her and she may leave and not come back . let them see were they are going . think about when u were dating .

until she is 18, you are the boss! i think you should not allow her to do anything that you are not comfortable with her doing. remember you were her age at 1 time and the times are much more difficult. so use your best judgement and good luck

If you know that he cares for your daughter then y not to allow both of them to get togather, your daughter may be needing more time to spend with him to know him more and this is only the way to know about him and make decision about her fuiture, your daughter is matured enough and can make her decisions however if you think that she is goin wrong then only you can stop her to meet with him otherwise your daughter may make a bad impression about you as cruel parents. Think about it....

how about talking to both of them face to face? have a conference -you,your husband, your daughter and boyfriend? talk to them about the problem, have a heart to heart talk. tell them your concerns and also listen to what they have to say. come up with solution that all will agree to. i hope i'm giving you the right advice

She is missing her curfew and you don't think they are having sex? Maybe you need a reality check.

He is to old for her.And how do you really know they have not had sex.Wake up.This is 2006.

I think it is the perfect curfew for a girl her age. When I was 17 I was dating a 23 year old as well. My mother thought I wasn't having sex either. We got engaged and then I got pregnant. The wedding was called off (by him) and then I moved back in with my parents. He has never been around and has nothing to do with my daughter, she is 14 now. My husband has helped raise her since she was 2 and has always been her dad. I am strict with my daughters on dating and curfews. But they know why and that I don't want them to make the same mistakes I did.

She is testing you. She wants you to stand up to her to show her how much you love her. Stop letting her walk all over you. You are her mother and she still lives in your home so she should follow your rules. She will balk at 1st, but eventually she will be glad you loved her enough to do what's best for her! Good luck!

at that age you have done all you can . be a good example and remember you were young once. teach her birth control. dont be afraid if she yells a lot.