Wednesday, May 2, 2012

He wants sex...I want love...?

I'm going to start off by saying I'm 20 and I'm a virgin. I've been with my boyfriend for 1 year and 8 months and he knew before dating me that I was not your typical '"give-it-up-two-months-in-to-a-relation… kinda girl. He was fine about waiting for me to be ready. There was even a period of time where he wanted me to wait until marriage. I don't want to wait until marriage, all I want is to be completely in love with someone and have them feel the same. I don't think that is a ridiculous request
Last year around this time I told him I loved him, and he didn't say it back. He still has not told me he loves me, except for the rare time he's drunk. So right now, I'm in love with someone who doesn't love me yet, or at least hasn't said it yet. That's my big thing, I feel like he loves me, but I want to hear it for reassurance.
He knows this is what I need before I will have sex with him, which shows you how sweet he is, some guys would have said it just to get sex But my problem is that he is being impatient and wants to have sex. Before he met me, he was a player and had sex with 3 previous girls. So he wants to have sex, but isn't ready to tell me he loves me; and I want him to tell me he loves me so that I will not regret having sex with him.
I don't know how to fix this problem, or if there even is a solution. It's causing so much stress and tension on our relationship and we're fighting a lot because of it. We're both not getting what we want. And breaking up is not an option because I'm in love with him and I don't think this is a problem that would require a break up. We have talked about this before but can't seem to find a solution, we both know what each other wants, but aren't willing to give each other what we want.

".......I don't know how to fix this problem....."

What is there to differ on what you need....stick to your guns and do what's right for you..
Besides....he's already getting the sex from somewhere else anyway....and you know it...

i think after a year and 8 months its safe to trust him.

but, use your own judgement. are you ready?

also-three women does not make someone a player

tell him you're going to move on. if he can't express his love for you soberly then it's not worth your time or worry. you could be falling in love with someone else, and possibly experience the exciting and wonderful realm of sex! (i sound like an 80 year old...)

yeah, this is always the situation between boys and girls. they want different things, and look at this: lol....

adult freind finders