Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Opinion on me and him having sex?

im 13 almost 14 and on my boyfriends b-day he wants me to go all the way with him he's 2 years older than me and we"ve been dating for 4 months 5 exactly on his birthday... i really really really like him but i don't think i am ready to go that far we haven't gone any father than 3rd base and well HE seems to enjoy it. i really wnat him to be happy... i really like him and he likes me he tells all his guy friends about me and i even hang out with them so it isnt like he's ashamed of me or anything....(he's super attractive, so he could have any girl he wanted that i know anyway) anyway i dont know if im ready to have sex idk what 2 do i need your guy's input.

Ha, I know were your at.
Do whatever makes you comfortable.
If you don't think your ready...then don't.
It would be wrong for me to tell you your to young.
1. becuase, I'm 14
2. because, It's the same way with me and my boyfriend.
I've already done it...
People won't like my answer...
but, I don't really care...
it's yahoo answers...
and their opinions only matter to an extinct
so remember that. ^^

Why the **** would you ask it if you weren't considering answers!?!

OK y the f*** do u ask this dumb question if you wanna make ur "own" DECISION??? -thats how u really spell that word btw :)
but if u wanna keep being stupid and through ur life away w/e just don't come on here to justify it! just face it, the reason ppl r telling u ur too young is bc u r.

after reading this i cant help but to think that i wish that i could tell your parents

The answer chosen as the "best answer" is ridiculous. I am embarrassed to see 14 years old saying they're already lost their innocence. What the hell is wrong with this generation?! I don't care what anyone thinks about this but in my book, a girl who has sex at 14 is a whore.

The questions I would ask myself: Will you be embarrassed/ashamed to tell this story about how you lost your virginity to your future husband? (b/c odds show, this is likely not the guy you're going to marry) Will you be able to answer when you tell your children they're too young for sex and they ask how old you were?
I have lots of friends who regret how young they were when they lost their virginity. I don't have any who feel they waited too long. Don't do it just b/c you want to make him happy.

A relationship is all about being happy, if you aren't happy it's not working. Although you may like him (for whatever reason) you should only do what you feel comfortable with. If you ever find yourself doubting the relationship, or him because he may seem like hes only trying to have sex with you, then you should really think about getting out of that relationship. You are much too young to be even considering sex no matter how much you think you like someone. But if you do decide to keep in mind that a relationship is only about happiness, and i you aren't happy then it's not working.

DON'T DO IT! Why take on adult responsibilities before you need to? You are too young to handle the consequences, and you will meet loads of attractive guys during your lifetime. When you are young and start to have meaningless sex, that is sex that you don't really want to participate in, you tend to partipate more without thinking about it and kind of lose respect for it. It then means nothing to you when you get older which does affect relationships that you have.

I first went to the third base with my boyfriend when i was just a bit over 15 and we had been together for three months and I was a bit unsure about it but anyways this summer we really got it on and now we're practically all over each other the whole time. Baby, go with the flow, if you're not ready, don't force yourself into it. If he doesn't understand, he's not worthy of you! :)

You feel like you aren't ready for it. Relationships are supposed to make BOTH people happy. If you don't feel ready for it, then you won't be happy about it later. Talk to him about, and then if he doesn't like it, at least you made your views known. I personally don't beleive in sex before marrige, but you two might not. If this guy truly loves you, he will wait until you are ready. Your my age, and I really don't think anyone my age is ready to have sex. When the time is right for you, you'll know.

Dont. Youre smart to know to wait theres a lot of risks, if he wants to have sex im guessing hes already had practice, you dont know who hes slept with when you have sex with someone youhave sex with every one they slept with the bodily fkuids are passed person to person and so aids hiv stds are all risks, and besides if he really cares about you he will wait not pressure you, its not an obligation to sleep with your partner its a choice.

too young hun...if he wants to force you ...Leave him hes not a good boyfriend if he isnt willing to wait til your ready you should deserve better

if you tell him your not ready he should understand but if not you shouldnt be with himm...if you want to you can but that my suggestion to dump his a** if he forces you

I'm seventeen and I'm still a virgin, but that isn't the question, the question is should she put out, the answer. No.

But I can tell you that experience says he'll break up with you if you don't.

I still say no, break up with him. Sex should be saved for marriage, or at least just engaged in mutually. If your not sure if your ready you aren't.

Definitely do not have sex with him. Guys like sex, yes, but for him to be asking for it as a birthday gift from a 13 year old girl is a little suspicious. I understand that you like him very much, but you should have sex when you are truly ready and you truly want to, not to please someone else.

If your not ready dont do it, I did it before I was ready and even though it may not seem like a big deal it effects you if your not. Im not into abstinence or anything dont get me wrong, I think sex is good and natural but 13 is awfully young but only you can make that decision.