Saturday, May 12, 2012

Can I Have SEX?? HELP!?

well I'm 16 in grade 11 and was raised as a Catholic Christian and go to church on Sundays and I've been baptized.
I've been dating my bf for a while and we have seen eachother naked. He is in grade 10 but twice my size and only 10 months younger. I LOVE HIM!!
Can I have sex?? Why else did god give us these hormones so early in life??

I say wait until marriage, and if you're still together by then, then that's when you can do it.

Someone just did a graphic interpretation of On the Origin Of Species that is really good. Some of it is very technical but presented well so you can understand it.
Back in the old days of pre-history life spans were usually very short. You would have been a fully grown adult back then and if you don't mate and reproduce before you die your genetic traits don't get passed on. Hence the big hurry! We inherited the urge to mate at an early age from whoever had the urge to mate at an early age. It helped them to reproduce at all and their descendants inherited it.
The more you know about the biology of humans the better off you will be, and that includes your personal life. Understanding what is going on will help your make good decisions about what to do even when you are all worked-up emotionally and under the influence of hormones.
In this case the Church will say you must not, the law (I'm in California) absolutely forbids it and you need to be very mindful of what you do. Beware of possible consequences.
Good luck.

People got married a lot earlier for most of our species' history. For the past several thousand years people didn't really experience these problems because people got married pretty much right after the hormones started being produced.

I would say, you are in high school, anyone you have sex with now you will definitely regret later in life. It is very rare for relationships to last beyond high school, and the only times I have seen it work are in abstinent relationships (I have seen others get married but end up divorced very quickly). That said, if you have sex now, very few Christian guys will be willing to date you, and if you are even moderately serious about your faith it will be very difficult for you to date anyone outside of it. So, try to control yourselves, and if you can't, maybe it would be better for you to break up and find a guy who respects your boundaries. If you need motivation, try reading FML (actually that's pretty good motivation for not doing a lot of other things too).

Sorry, I know it's tough, but I have a friend who just got married and she says it's totally worth it. Think of it this way: when you're having sex, you want to be thinking about the sex, right? Not comparing it to how it was with other guys.

Why are you asking for approval from random strangers on Yahoo? Some people will say yes. Of course, you can physically have sex, but is it the right choice? If you truly believe in God and would adhere to the faith, consult a priest. No doubt they will tell you to wait until you are married, and they would also tell you using condoms or birth control is a sin. Also, most teenagers who think they are "in love" are merely being controlled by their hormones. Personally, I would go for it, but I'm not a Catholic, and I'm not you. Don't have sex if you aren't ready to deal with the consequences.

Can you?

Well you can do anything you want to do

I'm assuming you are not very dedicated to God (going to church does not make you dedicated).

If you were you would know that God "invented" sex so that men and women could procreate the world.

God also gave us hormones so early to test us in our ability to abstain from doing anything "immoral." (i.e. premarital sex)

To me... if you feel no shame in something, or guilt then it is okay to do it

Now if you were very involved in your religion (and God) then I would say NO, but that's not the issue

Have fun and use birth control.

NOTE: If you go to planned parenthood they can not tell your parents that you are getting birth control or even have an appointment with them.

Because back then we got married at sixteen and most people didn't go to high school and college.
If you did have sex you would be going against God. Your virginity is meant for the person you love and the person you marry, it's like a gift. But with all the hormones and being young we don't see what is really true and if we fully love them. If you do then it's your choice. But that would be adultery, using a condom is adultery as well (and birth control), which is the 6th commandment.

6th Commandment: Thou shall not commit adultery.