Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Survey: If you waited until marriage?

If and only if* you waited until marriage to have sex, can you please answer the following questions? Thank you. :)

1. Gender (male or female)
2. Current age or age range
3. Your age and your spouse's age when you married (or approximate age)
4. What influenced your decision to wait?
5. How long did you date before getting married? How long did you know each other?
6. Were both of you virgins before marriage or only one of you?
7. Were both of you wanting to wait until marriage or did one of you wait for the other?
8. Do you think that waiting until marriage has strengthened your marriage or relationship in any way?
9. Country you live in.
10. Anything else you care to share?

Thank you!

*No trolls or nasty comments please. There are obviously many different opinions about sex and marriage out there. This survey is for those who waited until marriage. Thanks.

1. female
2.15 (decided when i was 9)
3. not married
4. religion- im a christian- also if you have sex before marriage, its like saying to your future husband/wife "you're not worth waiting for"
5-8. NA
9. australia

3.not married yet
4.I believe in one love and sex is a part of love and love is not a part of sex
5.6yrs and still on it
6.both are still virgins
7.We both decided to wait till marriage.
8.yes by all means
10.its good to wait till marriage.sex is something that should be had after understandin each other and wen we start living for each other.Sex before marriage may spoil the future in many cases.we plan how to live and wen to have kids and discused everything.so my life goes fine and happy till end.