Sunday, July 1, 2012

Please help me out I don't know what to do?

I have this guy friend and he is really nice and sweet and we always joke around about stuff and the other day in maths we were joking around talking across the room by lip reading eachothers lips saying we love eachother and how we were planning on having sex after school and other stuff like that and it was really funny and some of my friends sitting next to me thought we were for real. But every one keeps saying this guy likes me and other stuff like that but he had a girlfriend but he said he was breaking up with her tonight and that he likes another girl and is going to ask her out but I am really confused because every one is saying that we should date and stuff but says he likes another girl but everyone keeps saying that they are Sure he likes me but I am also confused about my feelings towards him. I think I might be starting to like him but I'm not sure and I don't know If i want to either. So should I make sure we just stay friends or should I find our if he likes me or not. Plz help I am confused???? Oh and no mean answers please.

Play it cool, wait and see what happens, if he asks you out decide if he's worthy, in the meantime keep an eye out for less drama dudes.

you already know what to do you just haven't realized it yet. you are a female. you have female intuition. follow your heart.