Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sex on the first date, good idea or bad idea?

VERY bad idea!


bad idea

Bad. Why would you loose your dignity over a stupid guy/girl.

Terrible idea!

Huh... it reall bad idea.

terrible idea, it robs you the gift of friendship, the gift of knowing one another deeper,

Very Very Very bad Idea. What ever happened to taking it slow to get to know someone?

NO WAY,,,,, Not a good idea.

If that is the purpose of your date then go for it.

Not really a good habit as even though both parties are equally responsible for this decision. It is always the woman labeled as a tramp. When the man is equally a tramp also.


BAD IDEA unless u know her REALLY well

If you dont like the person and you just want sex - good idea.

If you want the relationship to last and you want the other person to respect you the next day - bad idea.

Not only is it is an absolute bad idea to have sex on the first date, it is also a dangerous one.

Don't play Russian roulette with your body, it is a sacred temple.

I think its best to try and go for sex on the first date (not head on, but flirt and slowy lead up to it) and if you fail then that means the girl is actually someone that might be worth having around (as long as the rest of the date went good for you); but if she gives in and even goes to foreplay on the first date, then that means she's a slut and you should dump her... after the sex of course... but then it wouldn't be considered a date, just a one-night stand....

And no, not even sex on the SECOND date is an indication of a girl worth keeping around... i guess it all depends on what kind of girl you want.

trust me no girl wants that **** on the first date

Definately depends on the person and the vibe you have. Sometimes (rarely) you feel an instant and intagible connection with someone and it may make perfect sense, and you may spend the rest of your lives together.

More than likely though, if you plan on talking to this person again, it is probably not the best idea.

just go for it.

Bad, very bad. B A D...BAD....I'm just making sure you got this BAD. Why?...because we like you.

is she is a slut its a good idea. if she has morals its a bad idea.

BAd idea, you hardly know each other

very bad idea. only disparates people would have sex on the first date. unless your looking for a one night stand then that's different.

bad idea ..having sex right in the beginning ..what fun will the rest of dates be?

Not a very good thing!
If you want to be labeled easy piece of A??
It only hurts your reputation.

Only if your are a dog

bad idea. unless u dont want to see him again. he will not respect u. he will tell all his friends. n u will be knows as a ho even though men are known as playas for sleepn with a girl on date 1 how they figure that i dont know

Great idea if you want to be disrespected and considered easy. Otherwise, bad.

It depends on what you and your partner for the night really want out of this one night. You can be thinking just sex and maybe never see her anymore. In addition, she can be think that is the beginning of something more. You decide all that you want out of it and make it clear to her. You should be aware that if you slip up you could expose yourself to STD's as well as an unwanted pregnancy. So do you think it is a bad idea to have sex on the first date now?

bad idea m8 i dated 8months b4 i even had a play lol well worth the wait thow

If you just wanna have fun then, good for you. If its something that will be serious its always better to wait, and make it special with some nice music and candles...

Nothing wrong with that