Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is it ok to have sex on first date?

There is nothing wrong with that.

Not for me it isn't.

As for you, only YOU can decide that. Just keep in mind that on the first date you know NOTHING about this person, including sexual history. This makes you a prime candidate for HIV/AIDS and/or STDs.


Not if you are looking for a serious relationship.

depends if you want a relationship or just a shag

no.first u hav to understand the other person.

Not unless you get married while on your first date!

only if shes hot

I dont think its wise to have sex on the first date....whats your rush!!

Man this is not the 80's Go For It


As long as she is also agreeable, I don't see why not.

never it only shows the girl your desperate it,s a major turn off.

i think its not.. untill nd unless u know ur partner well, its really not safe !!

It depends. Are you a lady or a little ho?

why else would you want to talk to a woman

If you are desperate or have never seen a woman before.

I would recommend restraint.

is it okay with whom? I say yeah, sure but you don't really know the person yet. They could be crazy and fall all into you and make your life crap when you decide you're lust for them has fizzled.

depends on what you want. I think so, if you already know each other. If you are meeting for the first time or it's a blind date then I'd say no.


of course man, if she wants to then its game on


it sure is.

just make sure that she's not the girl you plan to marry..

It's ok, but it probably won't develop into a long lasting relationship..

Does Pinoccio have wooden balls.? Yes ......

I am a girl and i would say no.
Because your girl might not be ready for it and you will scare her off!
You would if I was with you!
Just get to know her a little bit more and then see what she thinks of it.
That would be my answer!!
Good luck man!