Friday, June 29, 2012

I'm in a relationship with this wonderful man, I love him but I feel there is somthing missing....?

He caresses me gives me attention when he can when he isn't too busy with school. But we don't have sex, at the most once a month and right now it's been more than a month. We use to when we first started dating and it was great but there was no passion, we almost never kiss, yeah we give pecks but lip locking passionate kissing where you get lost never. We live together and he is great with my kids. I'm being supportive because he is in school. We have been living together for a lil over a year and we have arguments just like everyone. Back track 2 years ago before my relationship. i was working and this guy came in that made my heart pound like crazy, we talked exchange numbers and he asked me out and we did, it was perfect. We had drinks, he made me dinner, he played and sang for me, the connection and passion was there and we couldn't help ourselves and gave in. We kissed like crazy stoping cause everything was going to fast, having dinner, kissing again ripping our clothes off making love for hours. We would go out again a few time and the samething would happen. But I knew we couldn't be together more like wrong place and time and still i felt like he would be someone in my life. We would still see each other since he is a tattoo artist and I would take ppl in to get tattooed. 2 years later i'm in this relationship and he writes me, telling me he wants me in his life for however long i want to be in his. and god my heart started to pound again like the first time i met him. He tells me we could make this work he would buy me a house and would come home to me when he is out of town. I'm torn.... I do miss being kissed so passionate that i get lost, make love for hours with our hands body and soul. He knows i'm in a relationship and he tells me he would be the lucky guy if he would ever be with me. And he is willing to wait.... Please help I don't know what to do.

The answer is simple. The meaning of love is that closeness to some one, that connection. It is obvious who you have the connection with. Go marry the tattoo artist. The other guy is not for you. The hardest part will be letting it come out, but the hardest choice is probably the right one. Good luck.

The truth is that you don't want the guy you are with and after a while you will resent him.

You have to go with the tattoo guy or you will always be wondering.

It is not fair on your present guy to be thinking that he is in a relationship when your heart is not in it.

The guy you live with is either gay or doesnt like sex.move out its no relationship.