Sunday, June 10, 2012

I found out that my 13 year old daughter is not a virgin.?

She was talking on the phone and I didnt know. So I picked it up to make a phone call and heard her say that she had sex with this guy from her school. I already told her no dating until she was 16, so she knows I wont be happy.

What should I do?

Wow, well ask her about it and If she doesn't come out with it on her own then you better tell her that you know. Ask why she did it, and make sure she knows never to do it again, or at least until she's an adult.

There’s not much you can do but talk to her. She'll probably yell at you for listening on her conversation. Is it possible that she was fibbing some teens do that, when they think everyone else in their grade is having sex.

You might consider getting some photos of STD’s it will be gruesome but maybe it will set her straight. Tell her you wouldn’t be paying or raising her baby if she gets pregnant.

troll? you people are so stupid, if you dont want to get caught and look stupid why dont u make your questions & answers private, good job loser, you masturbate 3 times a day right? yeah...

13 year old having sex. Well, im sure she is a good girl. she just got cought up in trying to be an adult. talk to her.. as akword as it may seem. What she did is natural.. not really for a 13 year old. talk to her about safe sex, about respecting herself and her body. and tell her how much more nicer sex is with someone they love. find out who she was talking to.. alert the parents. Your daughter may have been joking or pretending to me more "grown up" then she actually is. SO definately talk to her.. then... take her to the doctors to get blood work done. she might be alittle upset.. or emotional about it. Dont make her feel bad about what she has done. dont do that "Im disapointed" thing, we hate that. Make her feel better. I told my mother i wasnt a virgin anymore 2 weeks after it happened. i was 16, she handled it VERY well.. but of course.. i was was 16.. almost seventeen. Im still very hurt by the guy who took my virginity. and my mom has been there for me every step of the way. and after everything is done.. isnt that what a mom is for?

Just kind of tell her you overheard a conversation because you didnt realize she was on the phone, so you picked up the phone and happened to overhear that she isnt a virgin anymore. She might actually want to talk to you about it. Im a virgin and I know if I wasnt I would want to talk to my mom about it. The guy that she has sex with might not even like her anymore or could have used her. Teens, believe me I am one, tend to keep their emotions hidden.

Tell her about STD's and what they can do. Be specific like telling her that clamidia is very common and she could have it and not even know. stuff like that. btw, 13 is very young to be having sex and if thats not handled your gonna have a daughter with lots of problems.

I wouldn't tell her that you heard her on the phone or she will think you are spying. When she is relaxed and in a good mood approach the subject about sex and contraception/protection. Don't tell her you already know what she has been doing. Also, ask her about her feelings toward sex and if she feels comfortable with it (ie. not to feel pressured by the boy). In the end, she will have sex with boys regardless of if you tell her it's ok or not. The best thing is if she is prepared emotionally and physically.

shes not old enough foe sex

tell her u kno and your very dissappointed or somethin

Find out about the boyfriend, if he is a good catch, keep your mouth shut. If not threaten to prosecute him for statuatory rape.

I'm sorry, but if your daughter likes to get probed, the boys will find a way to make this happen, you can't stop it. However you should be able to teach her what a good boyfriend, is, and why it is better to have a relationship with him, instead of some player who knows how to exploit her.
Look, at least she is not doing it with a girl.