Monday, May 21, 2012

When will you have sex?

How long would you wait to have sex with a guy that you've just started dating?

Until we get married.
No guy is going to EVER use my body, there needs to be a ring on my finger.

3 months

Until it feels right. Ignore the so called "rules" When its time, its time.

i waited three months with my ex

7 months or so

it needs to be special

in about an hour

A month or so,

i wouldnt wait ill just **** him right there and then

Ideally till we get married. Thats what I want to do:)

I've made them wait 2 months...3 weeks...1 day...and not at all. It varies. The guy that only waited one the guy that I've been with for almost 6 months and will hopefully be with forever.

There is no time barrier as to when you'll have intercourse its more or less if you feel that the person you are ready to give your body to so be weary and choose wisely :)

im a smut so i get down on the first date wooohooo party in my pants!!!!!!!


I'll have sex with her when she says "I Do".

depends how much he turns you on

till u marry him. da

It depends on how attracted I was towards him if he wanted me to wait months forget it we might as well just be friends and hang out

Until such time as I determine whether this guy is someone I even want to have sex with. After that, I need to make certain he is disease free. For arguments sake, that's at least 3-6 months after I start dating him.

if theres sparks right away !

after i get married to the man of my dreams, because i want HIM to be my first and i want to be his first. i'm not sharing my body all around the world like many women do nowadays

when i`m married. :)

on the first date. surprise him.
with girls. intimacy leads to sex.
with guys. sex leads to intimacy.

You should wait till you feel ready to. Dont let no one try to push you to have sex ... never!!!

3rd date

wait till im married its better and i will not get in trouble

when she is ready

im one of those guys that knows sex can wait

when there is mutual concent, it will happen

when im ready.

Until he proposes and we married.

well i would have sex with a girl i just met. hope that helps

i'm waiting until married :)

when I met my Fiance I waited aprox one week but Iknew he was the one for me and I loved him so just depends on when you find that special somone and have that connection wtih them