Saturday, May 26, 2012

A guy told me he has strong feelings for me but never called? Is he lying?

we dated for more than a year but i moved to another city after 7 months because of school but we still manage to see each other once a month for more than a year. we get along very well and we are very attracted to each other, we had great sex too but when i asked him what kind of relationship we have, he told me that he loves me but not as much as i loved him and dont want a relationship from me, but he is still available to see me whenever im in town. i loved him but i dont want to see him, i feel used...the last time i see him he told me that the reason he see me is because of sex. whta is the right words that i should say to this kind of man?

First, let me tell you that I am a male.

From what you've shared (and you have shared a lot) my response is: tell him the truth, let him know you feel used, let him know you don't want to see him anymore. If he loves you he'll try to win you back and try hard for a long, long time. If he doesn't, the truth is painful, but it brings wisdom with it.

I whish you all the best!

in my opinion here is no rite word i mean there is atleast four
1. pig
2. jerk
3. bastard
4. jackass

you should have known that he didnt love you when he wasnt calling you if i were you i would never ever talk to him again if all he wants to do is have sex with you then why wate your time.

tasha if you could introduce me to an asian girl i would appreciate it my e-mail is ..thanks also to answer your question,hes not into you.maybe just for sex but not a relationship..guys that age usually want an easy lay..theres an old saying ..women give sex for love,men give love love for sex..hope that helps

you should never speak to him again