I found out a few hours ago I am pregnant. I took 3 tests and they all were positive. My period isn't even due until tomorrow, but something told me I am pregnant (I have 2 children) I didnt have sex anywhere around my ovulation. I was in a car accident and too sore to do anything for the past couple of weeks! I had sex 4/5 days before ovulation and that was the last time. So how exactly would the DR predict my due date? Anyone with experience want to tell me when I am due?? :)
First day of my last period: Feb. 22
I have a 31 day cycle
I was ovulated: March 10
Only reason I know all this is because I religiously track it online, lol. Ideas on due date??
You're 4 weeks 2 days - due on 11/28/2012 - based on a 28 day cycle or 3 weeks 6 days based on a 31 day cycle with a due date of 12/01/2012
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**Edit: Who are you asking?
Your Dr. is going to use his pregnancy wheel which will date your pregnancy from the first day of your last period - not when you ovulated - expect a due date of 11/28/2012 as the pregnancy wheel's don't take the average length of cycle into account
Dating a pregnancy can cause confusion, because it can be done in either of two different ways. Pregnancy can be dated from the first day of the last menstrual period or it can be dated from the day of ovulation.
In the United States, pregnancy is dated from the first day of the last menstrual period. This is a holdover from a time when much less was understood about conception. No one understood that ovulation was required for conception or when ovulation occurred. However, most women know when their last menstrual period was and it was known that the average pregnancy lasts 280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of the last menstrual period. According to this system, conception doesn’t actually occur until 2 weeks of pregnancy. Obviously, you aren’t pregnant until conception occurs. This is just an artifact of the old system.
In many other places, the new knowledge has been incorporated into a dating system that starts with conception. In that system, pregnancy starts on the day of ovulation (usually the day of conception) and lasts for 266 days (38 weeks).
**2nd edit: Uh Alexis I DID factor both a 28 and 31 day cycle into my answer hence the reason I gave 2 due dates just days apart from each other
your due date is based on the first day of your last period. based on your info your due 12/1/2012.
11/28/2012 is wrong because she didnt factor in your 31 day cycle